Clinical Symptoms of Intracerebral Hemorrhage Stroke

Clinical Symptoms of Intracerebral Hemorrhage Stroke
    Symptoms caused by the onset of intracerebral hemorrhage that almost always arise during the move and sometimes occurs when the patient is sleeping (only 3%). The most common symptoms are headache and vomiting. Although not specific and dependent location of the lesion, it distinguishes ischemic stroke. Headache at onset is an important clinical symptom in patients with lobar hemorrhage, caused due to local distension, distortion, or stretching superficial intracranial structures that are sensitive to pain.

      Other symptoms is seizures, indicating the presence of a bleeding lobaris than bleeding in the deeper part. Velocity decreased consciousness in patients, is varied according to the location and extensive bleeding occurs.
       The majority of cases of intracerebral hemorrhage are the supratentorial compartment and partly in the cerebral hemispheres, basal ganglia, and thalamus. Here is an explanation of the types of bleeding that can occur in haemorrhagic stroke and the symptoms they cause:

1. Bleeding Putaminal
        Putaminal hemorrhage is a form of intracerebral hemorrhage are the most common. Classical picture of putaminal hemorrhage was unilateral motor weakness that followed the visual sensory and behavioral abnormalities. If lesions of the dominant hemisphere side will be global aphasia, whereas when the non-dominant hemisphere will cause symptoms of hemi-inattention.

2. Bleeding caudate
         Bleeding usually inserted as the caudate putaminal hemorrhage is a bleeding putaminal basalis. Onset caudate hemorrhage usually sudden, with headache and vomiting followed by loss of consciousness. Physical examination showed the presence of neck stiffness and other behavioral disturbances (disorientation, and confusion) and is often followed by short-term memory impairment.

3. Thalamic hemorrhage
        Thalamic hemorrhage will show clinical picture according to the size of the bleeding area and the expansion of mass bleeding occurs. If the period incurred very large, the expansion can reach parietal regions. Symptoms of vomiting pretty much found but rarely headache. Clinical symptoms include hemiparesis or hemiplegia were accompanied hemisensory syndrome is decreased sensory systems limb, contralateral face and back. Main symptoms are bleeding thalamic oculomotoris abnormalities in nerve resulting in paralysis of upper view, convergence paralysis, retraction nystagmus, asymmetric deviation.

4. Substantia alba hemorrhage (bleeding lobaris)
       Bleeding that occurs in subcortical regions substantia alba produces lesions that may arise throughout the cerebral lobes, especially dilobus parietal, temporal and occipital. Bleeding lobaris different intracerebral hemorrhage in general are not much related to hypertension. Clinical symptoms of bleeding lobaris somewhat different from other bleeding. Bleeding lobaris rare arterial hypertension and loss of consciousness. While complaints of headaches and seizures more frequently found. Head pain occurs in the area around the eye ipsilateral and hemianopasia also pain in the area around the ear and the contralateral upper limb weakness and weakness of the legs and face.

5. Cerebral Hemorrhage
        Cerebral haemorrhage caused by arterial hypertension. Bleeding occurred from the distal arterial branches serebralis posteriol inferior. Clinical symptoms appear when the patient's activity. The initial symptoms are preceded with dizziness while intoxicated feeling, numbness in the face and then the patient is suddenly not being able to walk and even stand. Stiffness in the neck and shoulder area, tinnitus and hiccups occur in some patients.

6. Bleeding mesencephalon
         Spontaneous nontraumatic hemorrhage in the midbrain are rare bleeding usually comes from the bottom of the thalamus or lesions in the cerebellum manned or ponds. Symptoms generally gradual and progressive. Ataxia and oftalmoplegia often happens, also hydrocephalus due to blockade or distension on aqueductus. Other symptoms caused among others, bilateral nerve III palsy, bulbar weakness, extensor plantar reflexes, comprehensive hospital ship, vomiting, hemiparesis, diplopia, and pinpoint pupils.

7. Bleeding pons
         Pontine hemorrhage occurred because of increased intracranial pressure caused by the inclusion of spatial closed intracranial blood. Clinical symptoms that occur are headache in the occipital region before the coma, seizure symptoms, shivering, and autonomic system dysfunction. Besides itiu other symptoms are numbness of the face and upper limbs, deafness, diplopia, bilateral leg weakness, and abnormal breathing patterns, apnea.

8. Bleeding medulla oblongata
       Bleeding medulla oblongata which very rarely occurs even less frequently than bleeding midbrain. Symptoms may include dizziness, vomiting, headache, diplopia, and right upper limb paresthesia. Generally occur within a short time somnolence and ataxia accompanied by a stiff neck, left hemiparesis, nystagmus, dysphonia, and dysphagia

•    Types of Stroke
•    Ischemic Stroke
•    Post-Acute Phase Therapy of Stroke


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