Diagnosis of Cluster Headache

Cluster Headache Diagnosis       Cluster headache diagnosis using the criteria by the International Headache Society ( IHS ) is as follows :
a. At least 5 attacks with such criteria under
b . Severe or very severe unilateral orbital, supraorbital and or temporal pain for 15-180 minutes if untreated .

Pathophysiology of Cluster Headache

Pathophysiology of Cluster Headache
    The pathophysiology of cluster headache is still remains unclear. However, there are several theories regarding the pathophysiology of Cluster headache. One theory is that the focus of the pathophysiology of cluster headache is located in the carotid artery which stimulates intracavernous pericarotis plexus. 

Cluster Headache

Cluster Headache
    Synonyms : Eritroprocephalgia Bing, ciliary neuralgia/migrenous (Harris), Eitromelalgia head, Horton headache, histaminic cephalgia, petrosal neuralgia (Gardner), spenopalatin neuralgia, neuralgia Vidian and Sluders, hemicrania neuralgiformis periodically .

Medical Treatment and Therapy for Tension Headache

Tension Headache Treatment
      The principle of treatment is psychologic approach (psychotherapy), physiological (relaxation) and pharmacological (analgesic, sedative and minor transquilizers). In practice, it needs an adequate explanation of the background of the pain that the patient understands, about the issues that are less or not realized.

Clinical Manifestations of Tension Headache

        The symptoms that can occur in tension headache are: a headache that felt like a heavy head, stiff as tied rope wrapped around head, and pressed tight. Sometimes with throbbing headache. If prolonged, on palpation can be found swollen, hard and tenderness area. Can also be accompanied by symptoms are: nausea, vomiting, vertigo, fatigue, difficulty to sleep, nightmares, frequent waking early in the morning and fall asleep, hyperventilation, abdominal bloating, sadly, the loss of the will to learn or work, anorexia and other depressive complaints. Pain can also be felt as a tense feeling the pinch in the head and pain located in the area occipitocervicale.

Pathophysiology of Tension Headache

      Tension Headache pathophysiology is still not clearly known. In some of the literature and research results mentioned several circumstances relating to the occurrence of  Tension Headache as follows:
(1) central nervous system dysfunction that is more involved than the peripheral nervous system dysfunction of the peripheral nervous system which leads to more ETTH, whereas central nervous system dysfunction leads to CTTH (Chronic Tension Type Headache) ,

Tension Headache

       Type Tension headache or tension-type headache is defined as a sensation of heaviness or pressure that settled, on both sides of the head arising episodic and associated with stress, but it can be repeated almost every day without any psychological factors. The pain arises due to continued contraction of the muscles of the head and neck is m. splenius capitis, m. temporalis, m.maseter, m. sternocleidomastoid, m. trapezius, m. posterior cervical, and m. levator scapula.

Medical Treatment and Therapy for Migraine

Treatment therapy Migraine
Treatment and Therapy Migraine
Migraine Treatment Targets
Migraine treatment and therapy goals depends on length and intensity of pain, symptoms comorbidities, degree of disability and the start of treatment response and may also be found in other diseases such as epilepsy, anxiety, stroke, myocardial infarction. Because it must be wary of the medicine. When there are symptoms of nausea/vomiting, the medicine is given rectally, nasal, subcutaneous or intravenous.

Clinical Manifestations of Migraine

Clinical manifestations of Migraine
Migraine without aura
The attack began with a throbbing headache on one side with a duration of 4-72 hours. headache worsens with physical activity and followed by nausea and, photophobia or phonophobia.

Diagnosis of Migraine

Diagnosis Migraine
A. Migraine without Aura
     Previous term: Common migraine, hemicrania simplex.
Recurrent headache attacks with manifestation for 4-72 hours.  Characteristics unilateral head pain, throbbing, moderate intensity or  severe, worsen with routine physical activity and followed with nausea and photophobia and phonophobia or.
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