Seborrheic Keratosis

Seborrheic keratosis
Seborrheic keratosis
Seborrheic keratosis is a benign skin tumors that arise in most older people, about 20% of the population and are usually absent or rare in people with middle age. Seborrheic keratosis has many clinical manifestations can be seen, and seborrheic keratosis is formed of proliferation of epidermal cells of the skin. Seborrheic keratoses can appear in many forms lesions, lesions can be one or many types of lesions or multiple.


Trichoepithelioma Treatment therapy
Trichoepithelioma is a benign follicular tumors pilosebaseus apparatus may take the form of solitary or multiple. This tumor was first proposed by Brooke in 1892 under the name Epithelioma cysticum adenoids. Multiple Trichoepithelioma usually autosomal dominant inherited. While usually non-hereditary solitary form. These lesions begin to appear in childhood and will settle and multiply as adults. Generally found more than in women than in men.


Syringoma Periorbita Medical Treatment Therapy
Syringoma is benign adenoma intraepidermis ductal eccrine glands and tumor is classified in the less mature. There are two clinical forms, but there are other authors who divided them into three groups:
1. Syringoma periorbital (Periorbital Syrigoma)
2. Syringoma eruptive (Eruptive syringoma, Eruptive hidradenoma, Disseminated syringoma) 
3. Another variant: the linear form of unilateral or nevoid distribution, linear finite, limited to the scalp, limited to the vulva, limited to the distal extremity, lichen planus-like, the type of milia (milia like).


Xanthelasma treatment therapy
This form is most commonly found among xanthomas, found on the eyelids, the typical papules / plaques elongated soft yellow-orange, usually on the inner canthus. Typical too, long lesions 2-3 c and usually symmetrical, leaning settled, continued, multiple and unified. Xantalasma often accompanied by other types of xanthomas, but generally solitaire.
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