Pathophysiology of Condyloma Acuminata

Condyloma acuminata can be caused contact with patients infected with HPV. Until now more than 100 known types of HPV, which often causes condyloma acuminata namely HPV types 6 and 11 is entered through a micro-lesions on the skin, usually in the genital area and penetrate the skin, causing the surface epithelial abrasion. 

       Human Papilloma Virus is epiteliotropic; nature is to have a high affinity to the epithelial cells. Replication depends on the presence of squamous epithelial differentiation. Viral DNA (Deoxyribonucleic Acid) can be found in the lowest layers of the epithelium. Capsid proteins and infectious virus was found in the superficial layers of differentiated cells. HPV can enter the basal layer, causing inflammation response. In women vaginal discharge and infection causing microorganisms. HPV entry into the basal layer of the epidermis cells can take over DNA and experiencing uncontrolled replication. 
       Virus latent phase begins in the absence of signs and symptoms that can last for a month even a year. After the latent phase, the production of viral DNA and capsid particles begins. Cells of the host becomes infectious from the structure of condyloma acuminata Koilocyte atipic (morphologic atypical koilocytosis of condiloma acuminate) develops. The duration of incubation from the first exposure to the virus about 3 weeks to 8 months or may be longer. HPV entry into the basal cells of the epidermis this can cause a reddish nodules around the genitalia. Stacking these red nodules form a picture like cauliflower. These nodules may break open and exposed to microorganisms and thus could occur due to the release of viral transmission with epithelium.

      HPV entry into epithelial, can cause inflammatory responses that stimulate the release of inflammatory mediators, namely histamine can stimulate peripheral nerves. This stimulation delivers messages to the brain and the resulting itching electrochemical impulses along the nerve to the dorsal spinal cord to the thalamus and then perceived as itching in the cerebral cortex. In women who are infected with HPV can cause vaginal discharge and infection with microorganisms that smell, itching and burning that discomfort during sexual intercourse.

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