Pathophysiology of Viral Meningitis

         How can virus causing meningitis? this is explain about Pathophysiology of Viral Meningitis. Viral pathogens can reach the CNS access through 2 main pathways: hematogenous or neural. Hematogenous is the most common pathway of viral pathogens known. Penetration neural shows the distribution along the nerve and is usually limited to the herpes viruses (HSV-1, HSV-2, and varicella zoster virus [VZV] B virus), and the possibility of some enteroviruses.

         Multiple defenses to prevent the virus inoculum of causing clinically significant infections. This includes systemic and local immune responses, mucosal and skin barrier and the blood-brain barrier (BBB). The virus replicates in early organ systems (ie, respiratory or gastrointestinal mucosa) and gain access to the blood vessels. Primary viremia virus introduced into the reticuloendothelial organs (liver, spleen and lymph nodes) if incurred in addition to replicating the immunological defense, the secondary viremia may arise, which are thought to be responsible in the CNS. Rapid viral replication appears to play a role in host defense against.

         Actual mechanism of viral penetration into the CNS is not fully understood. The virus can pass through the BBB directly at the level of the capillary endothelium through a defect or natural (posttrauma area and place less lainyang BBB). Inflammatory response seen in the form of pleocytosis; polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNs) causes the difference in the number of cells in the first 24-48 hours, followed by the addition of monocytes and lymphocytes. CSF lymphocytes telag identified as T cells, although B cell immunity is also a defense against some viruses.

         Evidence suggests that some viruses can gain access to the CNS by retrograde transport along the nerve roots. For example, HSV-1 encephalitis path is through the olfactory or the trigeminal nerve root, the virus is carried by olfactory fibers to the basal frontal and anterior temporal lobes.


  1. Meningitis memang salah satu momok penyakit paling ditakuti ya Bang.

  2. Betul itu Mas Icah. kalau sudah kena Meningitis, peluang sembuh itu ada, tetapi kecil, kalau tidak segera ditangani

  3. seringkali miningitis menjadi penyakit yang menakutkan..

  4. meningitis memang menakutkan....tapi yang saya heran kok banyak orang kayaknya tidak peduli dengan hal ini atau penyakit lainnya ya mas. kalau udah sakit aja baru mengeluh dan merintih habis-habisan. yang menyeramkan lagi bahwa penyakit meningitis merupakan salah satu penyakit yang berbahaya dan menakutkan. Penyakit meningitis diketahui mampu membuat bagian syaraf manusia, sumsum tulang belakang dan otak menjadi rusak. kan habis gak bisa berbuat apa-apa ya mas. menakutkan. thanks for your info and keep spirits for a better blogging.

  5. sayang sekalai saya nggakbisa baca artikelnya nih,maaf ya sob,cuma bisa mampir doang hehehe

  6. Terima kasih telah berkunjung Mbah Dinan. Betul mbah... Meningitis memang menakutkan, prognosisnya (peramalan dari kemungkinan dan akhir suatu penyakit) jelek kalau tidak segera ditangani. Kenapa banyak orang yang tidak peduli, karena Meningitis ini penyakit yang terbilang jarang dan sering muncul akibat dari penyakit yang lain (komplikasi dari penyakit lain). Misal sakit gigi, dimana kuman dari sakit gigi tersebut menyebar dan menginfeksi selaput otak.

    Semoga artikel saya bermanfaat. terima kasih Mbah Dinan

  7. Mudah-mudahan saya selalu sehat dan terhindar dari yang namanya penyakit yg membahayakan amin :)


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