Clinical Manifestations of Epilepsy

      Based on the type of seizure, there are several kinds of clinical manifestations of epilepsy. Here are the clinical symptoms and signs of epilepsy.
       Partial simplex seizures started with an electrical charge in certain parts of the brain and the charge is still limited in the area. Patients experiencing sensations, movements or abnormal psychological disorders, depending on the area of ​​the brain affected. If it occurs in the part of the brain that controls muscle movement right arm, the right arm will swing and suffered a jolt; if it occurs in the anterior temporal lobe, then the patient will smell a very pleasant or very unpleasant. In patients who experience psychological disorders may experience déjà vu (feeling never experienced the present circumstances in the past).

       Partial seizures (psychomotor) complex begins with the loss of patient contact with the surrounding environment for 1-2 minutes. Patients become unsteady, move his arms and legs in a strange way and without purpose, noises meaningless, not able to understand what other people are saying and refused assistance. Confusion lasted for several minutes, and was followed by complete healing.

       Convulsive seizures (tonic-clonic seizures, grand mal) usually starts with abnormal electrical charge on a limited area of ​​the brain. The electric charge quickly spread to other brain regions and causing the entire area to malfunction.

      Primary generalized epilepsy characterized by abnormal electrical discharges in the brain region wide, which led to the spread of early dysfunction. In both types of epileptic seizures as the body's reaction to an abnormal load. On convulsive seizures, loss of consciousness occurs while, great muscle spasms and jolt-jolt throughout the body, the head facing to one side, tightly clenched teeth and loss of bladder control. Afterwards the patient may experience headache, confusion while and feel very tired. Usually people can not remember what happened during the seizure.

      Petit mal seizures begin in childhood, usually before the age of 5 years. No seizures, and other dramatic symptoms of grand mal. Patients just stared, trembling eyelids, or twitching facial muscles for 10-30 seconds. Patients do not respond to its surroundings but not falling, fainting or jerky.

      Status epilepticus is the most serious seizures, where seizures occur continuously. Muscle contraction is very strong, not able to breathe properly and discharges in the brain become widespread. If not promptly treated, can damage the heart and brain are settled and the patient can die.
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