Epidermoid Cysts

Epidermoid Cyst
Epidermoid Cyst


Epidermoid cysts or also called a sebaceous cyst is a collection of materials such as keratin, usually white, slippery, easily moved, and cheesy on the inside wall of the cyst. This type of cyst is the most common. Clinically, epidermal cysts appear as rounded nodules, hard-colored flesh. Epidermal cysts generally have a small hole associated with the skin but are not always apparent.
Epidermal cyst can occur anywhere on the skin, but is more commonly found on the face, scalp, ears, chest, and back. Bone, breast, genital, and intracranial rarely found in epidermal cysts. Ocular and oral mucosa may also be affected in the conjunctiva and eyelid, lip, oral mucosa, tongue, scrotum, and uvula.

Epidermal cyst is a benign tumor that does not need to be removed unless interfere cosmetically or infected. Infected epidermal cyst is red, swollen, and painful. If this is the case, must be treated with antibiotics and excised when it is not inflamed. The key to the epidermal cyst removal is to remove the entire cyst wall.


There is no predilection by race, yet epidermal cysts more experienced by individuals with dark skin. In the study of Indian patients, 63% of cysts containing the pigment melanin.

Epidermal cysts more than twice found in male patients than female patients. Epidermal cysts may occur at any time age, however much the case for the third to fourth decade. Small epidermal cysts called Millia commonly found in neonates.


Epidermal cyst is formed of several mechanisms. Cysts can be caused by sequestration of the rest of the epidermal during embryonic life, occlusion of pilosebaseus unit, trauma or surgical implantation with elements eptelial. HPV infection, exposure to UV, and occlusion of eccrine glands may be an additional factor palmoplantar epidermal cyst development. HPV has also been identified in epidermal cysts nonpalmoplantar.

Congenital epidermal cyst at anterior fontanelle or in part orogenital can be estimated by the results of sequestration or trapping residual epidermal during embryonic fusion during development. Lesions on the lips and mouth that are not correlated with the perfect fusion of branchial arch, whereas genital lesions caused by the incomplete closure of the genital folds.

All the docility and malignancies that affect or growing near pilosebaseus unit can lead to occlusion or follicular ostia collision with subsequent cyst formation. Cyst with generally distribution due to blockage of follicular acneiform. In the elderly, injured sunlight can damage the unit that accumulates pilosebaseus, causing abnormalities such as blockage of blackheads, hypercornification, both of which can cause epidermal cysts. This condition is also called Syndrome Favre-Racouchot.

Actual epidermal cyst caused impantasi epidermal elements in the dermis. Some injuries, especially the type of crushing, exploits a subungual or epidermal cysts terminal phalanges. Injuries destroyed when the car door slammed on the digital part is often reported. Surgical procedures, in theory can cause epidermal cysts. Multiple epidermal cyst formation was reported after the nose plastic surgery, breast augmentation, and liposuction. Using dermal or miocutaneus grafts, and the biopsy needle is also associated with epidermal cyst.

Certain hereditary syndromes associated with epidermal cysts, such as Gardner syndrome, basal cell nevus syndrome, and congenital pachyonychia. Idiopathic scrotal calcinosis can be found in the final phase of dystrophic calcification in epidermal cysts.

Source Pict: http://www.dermedonline.com/

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