Viral Encephalitis

Definition of Viral Encephalitis
       In normal circumstances, the Central Nervous System (CNS) are well protected against attack from organisms that can cause inflammation, and inflammation in the CNS is the most unusual complication of an infection acquired daily. One of the CNS inflammation is encephalitis, which is inflammation of the brain (Encephalon). Viral Encephalitis is the inflammation of encephalon which  cause is a virus. Encephalitis caused by a viral infection causing parenchymal damage varying from mild to very severe.

Gonorrhea Treatment and Therapy

For Gonorrhea Treatment and Therapy, what needed to be considered are the effectiveness, price, and minimal toxic effects. Management pathways is depend on the existing diagnostic facilities as seen in Table 1,2,3. The selection of treatment regimens should consider also the site of infection, strains of N. gonorrhoeae resistance to antimicrobials, and the possibility of Chlamydia trachomatis infections are occurring simultaneously. Therefore often co-infected with C. trachomatis occurs, then at an with gonorrhea are also suggested to be given simultaneously with the treatment regimen appropriate for C. trachomatis in accordance with the table number 4.

Clinical Manifestations of Gonorrhea

Clinical Manifestations and complications of gonorrhea are very closely related to the composition of genital anatomy and physiology. Therefore, the necessary knowledge about composition of the male and female genital anatomy. Disorders arising from sexual relations other than genito-genital ways, in men and women can be orofaringitis, proctitis, and conjunctivitis.

Pathophysiology of Gonorrhea

Neisseria gonorrhoeae is a gram-negative, intracellular, aerobic diplococci that affect cuboidal or columnar epithelium of the host. A wide variety of factors that affect the way mediate gonococcal virulence and pathogenicity.


 What is Gonorrhea? 
         Definition of Gonorrhea is an infectious disease caused by the bacteria Neisseria gonorrhoeae and have clinical signs such as discharge of urethral pus or purulent discharge after sexual intercourse or sexually transmitted disease (STD).  Meanwhile, according to Dorland's medical dictionary, gonorrhea is an infection caused by nisseria gonorrhoeae is transmitted through sexual intercourse in most cases, but also by contact with infected exudates in the neonate at birth.

Tuberculosis Meningitis Medical Treatment and Therapy

      Tuberculosis Meningitis Medical Treatment and Therapy by three different components: administration of anti TB drugs, modulating the immune response and management or increased intracranial pressure treatment and therapy. Here are the guidelines and anti-TB drug delivery dosage for infant and children both first-line and second-line.
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