Medical Treatment and Therapy for Extrapyramidal Syndrome

           General medical treatment and therapy for the extrapyramidal syndrome is patients treated with antihistamines such as difenhidramine , sulfas anticholinergics such as atropine or trihexyphenidil ( ( THP ) , 4 - 6mg per day for 4-6 weeks . Thereafter the dose reduced gradually , ie 2 mg every week , to see if the patient has developed a tolerance to the side effects of extrapyramidal syndrome . severe acute dystonia When the reaction had to be addressed quickly Beztropin generally given IV or IM diphenhydramine . awarded for acathisia anticholinergic and amantadine , and giving propanolol and benzodiazepines such as clonazepam and lorazepam .

             The introduction of the symptoms quickly and good management can improve the prognosis . But late handlers can provide complications ranging from irreversible symptoms until death . If the suspicion caused by antipsychotic drugs antipsychotic dosages lowered to reach the minimum effective dose . Antihistamines such as diphenhydramine, which can be used in patients with dystonia . Besides epinephrine and norepinephrine also gives the effect of lowering plasma concentrations of antipsychotics in dopamine receptors so that absorption is reduced and the effects of antipsychotic extrapyramidal symptoms can be reduced .

          Extrapyramidal symptoms can be very stressful so it is recommended to give prophylactic therapy . This phenomenon is particularly important in patients with a history of ever having to previous or extrapyramidal syndrome in patients receiving high doses of potent neuroleptic .

        Generally it is recommended that an effort is made every six months to pull anti-extrapyramidal syndrome medication patients with careful monitoring of the return of symptoms . Patients who experienced acute dystonia reaction must be hospitalized . Psychotic medication discontinuation highly suspected as the cause of the reaction must be carried out as soon as possible . Anticholinergic therapy is the primary treatment given . When the reaction is severe acute dystonia should receive prompt and aggressive treatment . Generally more practical to give diphenhydramine 50 mg IM or if the drug is not available to use benztropin 2 mg IM . Management of acathisia with anti- cholinergic and amanditin giving , and giving proanolol and benzodiazepines such as clonazepam and lorazepam .
            For Parkinson 's syndrome given anticholinergic agents . As for tardive dyskinesia treated with neuroleptic drug use wisely to medikasinya dose . Levadopa used for the treatment of idiopathic Parkinson's diseased generally ineffective due to severe side effects . However, the use of class Benzodiazepines can reduce involuntary movements in many patients .
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